Writing Tip: Marketing a Book? Market Yourself!

Writing Tip: Marketing a Book? Market Yourself!

Writing Tip: Marketing a Book? Market Yourself!

Posted on 05/10/2013 Evan Swensen

In our years as publishers, and as authors ourselves, we take great interest in finding out what works in marketing a book.

Some of the things we have learned? When you are selling books, the first thing you have to sell to your reader is yourself.

Each person that comes to your table at a book event, well, think of it as a job interview. The kind of job interview you will learn to enjoy.

Dress for success. We have tested this idea, and our authors who do so sell more books. Smile. [Be sure your teeth are brushed.] Be sincere. Because if you don’t sincerely want to know your readers and sell your books, people will know it. They will feel it. And they won’t be inclined to stop by your table. Or if they do, they won’t be inclined to buy your books.

You don’t have to leap out at folks. Find your own style, one that makes you approachable.

Elizabeth Tower published many books with us in her lifetime, including Icebound Empire, noted as one of the 67 most important books in Alaska history [Alaska Historical Society].  Many of authors tend to stand at their tables at book events. But not Elizabeth. She would sit and work crossword puzzles, and engage those who came by her table in chit chat about how they were liking Alaska. She always could tell who was visiting. Always sold a lot of books.

After you dress yourself for success, be sure to set up your table. Lots of your books, of course. Have your business cards, a promo piece, a professionally enlarged clipping or two, nicely framed. I always put an open tackle box filled with individually wrapped chocolates at my table. Bait. [Isn’t that just like an old fisherman, says my wife, Lois.]

Always have some of your books with you. In your briefcase, your purse, your car.

You’re a public figure now that you’re an author. It’s like being in the limelight all the time, for everyone you meet. Because every time you meet someone, you have the opportunity to market yourself. And that’s the one of the best ways to market your books.

What techniques and methods you have found useful and fun in marketing yourself and marketing a book?

Keep in touch,

Evan Swensen, Publisher
Publication Consultants
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