Are You Wondering How To Sell Your BooK?

Are You Wondering How To Sell Your BooK?

Are You Wondering How To Sell Your BooK?

Posted on 03/28/2013 Evan Swensen

How to sell your book? This is a step that an author will take many times. But most people don’t realize that it starts inside the writer.

The first person you must sell to the story to is yourself. You heard me correctly. I was a salesman for many years, and if I didn’t believe in the products I had to sell, I could not, in good conscience, accept the job of selling them.

So you can see how important it is to realize that you are the first person you figure out how to sell your book to. If you’re not sure it’s of any value, why would you even write it?

So, the first person you sell your book to is always yourself.

Next, you sell the book to your writer’s group, and your friends and family who read the first drafts.

You have to sell your book to the publisher, and to an agent before that, if you decide to get an agent.  Again—you must believe in your work to have the confidence to sell it to any person. You must make each of these folks aware of the value of the book to them personally, or they will not want to spend their time on it.

And of course you must sell your book to your readers. Each of them, one at a time. Even if you take out a big ad. Even if you’re on the radio or TV or Internet. Each reader makes his or her own decisions about what to buy to read.

When it comes to learning how to sell your book, start with yourself. When you realize that books are really all about selling, step by step, and person by person, you will understand something very important about the book business.

Keep in touch,

Evan Swensen, Publisher
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