Book Publishing Company



By Evan Swensen| 05/23/2014
If you’re serious about writing, and we expect that you are, you know that the more you write, the better your writing becomes. So it seems to follow that writing …

Net Galley: a New Service for our Authors

By Evan Swensen| 04/07/2014
Here at Publication Consultants, we are always looking for ways to improve our authors’ reach into the world at large. Getting books into the hands of reviewers nationally and internationally … 0 More

My books are stories about life

By Evan Swensen| 03/10/2014
“People often ask me about the Feather series,” Marianne Schlegelmilch says, as if she is completely baffled by the interest in the focal point of her mystery stories. “They want … 0 More

What is the Purpose of Your Book?

By Evan Swensen| 03/03/2014
In a conversation on LinkedIn, with other members of the Authors & Publishers Association, the question was raised as to the benefit of writing a book with purpose. Something along … 0 More

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