Author Update
Building Your Authorpreneur Platform
More than year ago… Publication Consultants announced Authors Campaign Method (ACM) for sales and marketing. Two recent Author Updates, October 4 and October 12) listed eight facets of ACM.
1. Release Party
2. Web Presence
3. Book signings
4. Amazon Author Page
5. Facebook Page
6. Active Social Media Participation
7. eBook Cards
8. Book Listing on Indibound
We recently read a marketing book for authors and recognized the author’s list for building an author’s platform paralleled and added to the facets of ACM. Additional items to our ACM list included:
1. Speaking Engagements
2. Emails
3. Building Relationships
4. Traditional Media
5. Endorsements
6. Internet Publishing
7. Promotions
8. Advertising
Together these 16 tools constitute areas Authorpreneurs should center their efforts in building an author platform. However, we doubt that an author can work all these, still write books, and have any personal life. It seems that an author should select only the ones they can manage and enjoys doing and not worry about the others. For us, the important thing is to only do as much as you’re able and enjoy as you connect with your readers. Of course more effort leads to better and quicker success.
We realize that an author applying these tools may not receive book sales for as long as 12 months, but we are convinced that applying these tools will result in long term success.