Archives: Author News

Author Update

Author Update

By Evan Swensen| 04/29/2015
Author Book Signing Request The Author Signing Request feature on our website is open for business. This service for authors is unique to Publication Consultants. No other publisher provides this … 0 More

Author Update

By Evan Swensen| 04/12/2015
  Jim Misko Jim Misko’s novel, As All My Fathers Were <> is the GOLD WINNER for Popular Fiction of Benjamin Franklin Awards from Independent Book Publishers Association, a national organization of … 0 More

Author Update

By Evan Swensen| 04/08/2015
A Tribute to Don Porter Here’s a note from Deborah Porter, wife of Don Porter. Last Saturday my friend Karen Kulik and I set up a booth in the local … 0 More

Author Update

By Evan Swensen| 04/06/2015
Book Signings We encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity for book signings. Here’s what Wikipedia says about book signings: “Book signing is popular because an author’s signature increases … 0 More

Author Update

By Evan Swensen| 02/20/2015
Young Writers Conference Saturday, April 25 is the date for the Mat/Su Young Writers Conference sponsored by Mat/Su School District–and strongly supported by Publication Consultants. As presently constituted, each class … 0 More

Author Update

By Evan Swensen| 02/04/2015
Author Campaign Method We are continuing testing our new sales tool, which we’re calling, Author Campaign Method (ACM), to distinguish our method of sales and marketing books on the Internet … 0 More

Author Update

By Evan Swensen| 01/26/2015
Successful Book Marketing There are two governing principles involved in the success of your book: 1) You should treat your writing as a business that requires your involvement throughout the … 0 More

Author Update

By Evan Swensen| 12/21/2014
Bonnye Matthews Bonnye received a glowing, informative review of her new book, Tuksook’s Story, 35,000 BC. You can see the review by going to and click on the cover, then go to pa...

Author Update

By Evan Swensen| 11/25/2014
ReadAlaska 2014 We look forward to being with authors and readers at this year’s ReadAlaska at the Anchorage museum the three days after Thanksgiving; November 28, 29, and 30. Earlier … 0 More

Author Update

By Evan Swensen| 11/12/2014
ReadAlaska 2014 We look forward to being with authors and readers at this year’s ReadAlaska at the Anchorage museum the three days after Thanksgiving. Earlier today we sent copies of … 0 More

Author Update

By Evan Swensen| 11/06/2014
The Lyin Kings: The Wannabe World Leaders I.S. Petteice has released her new book, The Lyin Kings. In addition to the attached New Book Information, you may view the book’s … 0 More

Author Update

By Evan Swensen| 10/20/2014
Amazon Author Central Author Central is a free resource designed to help authors become more active participants in the promotion of their books. In Author Central you can manage an … 0 More

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