Book Publishing Company

Why You Should Approach a Consultant Before Trying to Get Published

Becoming a Published Author

By Evan Swensen| 09/02/2016
Have you written a book? Or are you writing a book or thinking about writing a book? No matter what stage you’re at, you’re probably considering the next step after … 0 More

Why Do We Publish Books

By Evan Swensen| 08/26/2015
Many people don’t know that we got into book publishing by accident. I was a successful publisher of Alaska Outdoors magazine, and I’d hosted a fun radio talk show and …

Why Do We Publish Books?

By Evan Swensen| 08/26/2015
Many people don’t know that we got into book publishing by accident. I was a successful publisher of Alaska Outdoors magazine, and I’d hosted a fun radio talk show and …

What Makes a Classic?

By Evan Swensen| 07/27/2015
Our Guest Blog was written by Jim Misko Sometime during my career as an author I want one of my novels to be declared a “classic” by someone with authority. … 0 More

Have You Written A Cook Book?

By Evan Swensen| 07/14/2015
In the 37 years we’ve been book publishing, we’ve published only three cook books, with two in our active catalog. Most publishers attract cook books of all kinds, so we’re … 0 More

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